Talent management is critical to the profitablity of organizations.

I consult organizations in numerous ways, including building engagement surveys and analysis, designing formal mentoring programs, leading strategic planning efforts, conducting staffing analyses, and designing leadership development programs, among others.

Below are four examples of past consulting engagements: 1) Strategic Planning; 2) Engagement Survey; 3) Managerial Coaching; and 4) Design and Implementation of a Mentoring Program.

Example 1


A municipal government agency hired me to lead its strategic planning process with an aim of best supporting its patron residents. Toward those ends, I

  • Led a team of nine staff across locations and departments in spearheading a year-long strategic planning process.

  • Gathered significant stakeholder data, including from patrons, leaders and elected officials in the community, and others using surveys and interviews to understand community needs.

  • Conducted external trend analysis and benchmarked against high performing, similarly-situated organizations.

  • Developed vision and six-pronged five-year (2021-2026) plan.

  • Led all-staff (85) member meeting to gain support of plan and developed Personal Scorecard template to support individual agency toward achieving the vision.

Example 2

Engagement Survey

My colleague and I collaborated for five years to support a government entity in its efforts to be a top employer. Toward those ends, I

  • Analyzed the entity’s engagement/climate survey data three times over a five-year period.

  • Based on best practices in engagement, I created a set of human capital recommendations to support climate enhancements.

  • At the end of that five-year period, the agency received an Employer of Choice Award within its County.

Example 3


A retail company hired me to move them toward a coaching culture with the aims of increasing revenue, enhancing retention, and increasing salesperson productivity. Toward those ends, I

  • Created and administered an initial coaching culture assessment. Survey statements evaluated degree of frequency with which managers exhibited coaching behaviors from the perspective of their individual employees/teams.

  • Interviewed employees about the existing culture and typical managerial approach at the company to better understand opportunities and challenges associated with the initiative.

  • Developed and implemented a one-day workshop to heighten managers' coaching skills, as well as a dozen training videos for newly minted supervisors and refresher training.

  • Presented senior management a recommendation set to further move toward a coaching culture, including publicly rewarding and formally appraising coaching behaviors.

  • Administered a post-intervention culture assessment evaluating coaches on the pre-test (initial) coaching behaviors. post intervention, managers exhibited coaching behaviors with greater frequency, as evaluated by their employees/teams.

Example 4


A large pharmaceutical company hired me to help design a high-potential employee mentoring program as a means to develop its executive pipeline. Toward that end, I:

  • collaborated with management to design the program, including matching criteria and matching process, participant introduction to the program, and training.

  • Designed and facilitated one-day training workshop for mentors and proteges. Training included setting of expectations, relationship-building skill development, and identification of protege needs. It also included segment on how proteges could build their mentoring networks over time to leverage mentoring and sponsorship to ascend in the company.

  • Created mid-term assessment survey to measure relationship satisfaction, trust, and rapport between paired participants.

  • Survey results from program participants indicated strong satisfaction with the training and program involvement.
